
2022년 2월 25일 금요일

입트영 20220224 BookTubers

 Talk about BookTubers

Many people these days operate Youtube channels with their own unique contents. So-called "BookTubers" deal primarily with books on their channels. 

 * He usually shares useful links, rather than his own unique contests

Bookbuters introduce the books they read, or make recommendations for good reads during certain times. 

 * It's a good read, but you might not like it.

They also share their know-how on writing notes about the books they read.

Some users create unboxing videos of books that they have delivered to them, or introduce various goods produced by publishers or booksellers.

Some post vlogs about their studies or bookshelves. As a huge bookworm, I always enjoy and look forward to these BookTubers' videos. 

Pattern Practice

It's a book that came highly recommended by a BookTuber that I follow.

Oh, really? Is it any good?

I've been buying and reading most of the books that she vouches for

I guess you have a lot of faith in that BookTuber.

That's right. She has opened my eyes to a lot of good reads

 * came highly recommended: 강력히 추천되다

 * vouch [váutʃ] for: ~을 보장하다

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