
2022년 2월 23일 수요일

PE 2/18 Job Interview Question 3: What is your greatest strength?

 Lizzie, what would you say is your greatest strength?

I don't get frustrated easily. I never let minor setbacks get in the way of reaching my goal.

 * The only thing getting in the way of Travis's success was himself.

 * I never let bad weather stop me from going for a run. 

Of course, but I take the time to prepare in advance and coordinate with my teammates, so those setbacks are usually quite small.

 * Please take the time to read the report I gave you. It's very important. 

 * I always take the time to write in my journal.

I see setbacks as opportunities to fine-tune my approach to what I'm doing. 

 * The company fine-tuned their marketing campaign before the big holiday sale. 

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