
2016년 12월 23일 금요일

PE 12/1 A Fancy Ranch

Holy moly[하1] ! Look at this house! When you said we’d be staying at an “estancia,” I looked it up – it means “ranch.” This is a palace!
* look something up: to seek written information about something
ex> I looked your number up online.

It’s pretty swish for a farmhouse, huh? This is where the owner lived whenever they wanted to escape the hoi polloi in the city.
* swish [하2] (adjective): fashionable and expensive
ex> Lorna is taking me to dinner at a swish restaurant tonight.
* hoi polloi[하3] : average people; the general public
ex> Darren won’t read any books that are popular with the hoi polloi.

Your mom and I have lots of other adventures planned. It costs a pretty penny to stay here, but it seemed like a nice way to bookend our weeks of roughing it across Argentina.
* pretty penny: a large amount of money
ex> They must have paid a pretty penny for that car.
* bookend (verb) to occur or be placed at both ends of something
ex> The conference will be bookended by live entertainment.
* rough it: to live under simple or crude conditions
ex> Some people travel luxuriously, and some prefer to rough it.

Holy Toledo! /Wowza! /Oh my gosh!

 [하2]This also means something extremely awesome, impressive and satisfying, much like hearing a swish when you shoot in basketball.

 [하3]Hoi polloi is an expression from Greek that means “the many” or “the majority.” This often has a negative connotation towards the working class and commoners.

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