
2011년 9월 16일 금요일

9/16 Coffee Shops

Dialog>> Let's just go hang out at a coffee shops.

We have like two hours to kill before the meeting.

Let's just go hang out at a coffee shop.
* hang out: 놀다, 어울리다.
ex> Let's hang out at my place.
ex> Let's hang out sometime.

That coffee shop seems less crowded.
ex> This place is less crowded at night.

Let's cross the street at the crosswalk over there.
* crosswalk: 횡단보도

Response>> Talk about coffee shop chains in Korea.

Coffee shops have become common place throughout Korea.

In fact, you will find a coffee shop chain on nearly every corner.

On busy streets with heavy foot traffic, you can easily find dozens of them.
* heavy foot traffic: 많은 유동 인구
ex> Let's avoid going on busy streets.

What's amazing is that all of these shops are in business.
* in business
cf> go out of business

Poople go to these coffee shops to chat, hold meetings, or simply kill time and relax.
* kill time: 시간을 때우다.
ex> I had to kill time for two hours.

With wireless Internet being offered at all these establishments, people often set up their laptops to get some work done.
* set up one's laptop: 노트북을 설치하다.
* get work done: 일을 하다.
ex> She got some work done after lunch.

Coffee shops are the best place to go if you don't feel like eating or drinking.

@ It gives you away all the time.  항상 티 나게 만들어.

1. How much time do we have to kill?
2. You can find karaoke rooms on every corner.
3. This road has heavy foot traffic.
4. I feel like going to the beach today.

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