
2011년 9월 24일 토요일

9/24 Clogged-up Sink

Dialog>> The bathroom sink is clogged up.

The bathroom sink is clogged up again!
* be clogged up: 막히다.

I'm not a plumber!
* plumber [plʌ́mər]: 배관공

It's your hair that gets tangled with everything and really plugs things up.
* get tangled with: ~와 엉키다.
* plug up: 막히다.

Where's the toilet plunger?
* toilet plunger: 변기 압축기

Response>> Talk about when your sink got clogged.

Sinks can get clogged for a number of reasons.
ex> Don't let the bathtub get clogged.
ex> Bathroom sink is clogged up/backed up.

With girls, their long hair tends to go down the drain, clogging things up.
ex> Cholesterol can clog up your arteries.

It's important to always pick up any stray strands of hair left behind.
* stray: to move away from the place where you should be, without intending to,  버려진, 잃어버린

People who blow their noses and then rinse it under the faucet may plug things up that way.
* rinse: 씻어내다, 헹구다. cf> 우리나라의 린스: hair conditioner
* plug up: 막다, 막히게 하다.
* faucet: 수도꼭지

When you wash certain things in your bathroom sinks, bits and pieces can get caught in the pipes.
* get caught in the pipes: 파이프에 걸리다.
ex> Something can get caught in your throat.

If your sink does get clogged up, you should pour some Drano into it.
* Drano: (미국) 하수관 용해제

The chemicals will dissolve any hair or chunks backing things up.
* chunk: a thick solid piece that has been cut or broken off sth
* back up: 막히다, 막히게 하다.
ex> The toilet can get backed up if you use too much TP.

For really serious clogs, you may have to call a plumber.
ex> I had to call a plumber.

@ Why don't we go around and introduce ourselves?  돌아가면서 각자 자기 소개 할까요?
= take turns

1. The drain got clogged up completely.
2. something seems to have gotten caught in the pipe.
3. I used a toilet plunger when the toilet got clogged.
4. Cars were backed up pretty bad because it was rush hour.

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