
2011년 9월 28일 수요일

9/28 Library

Dialog>> I have to return these books to the library.

I have to return these books to the library.
* return book: 책을 반납하다.
cf> I have to check out a book from the library.  (도서를) 대출하다.
ex> Return your books on time.

When are they due back?
* due back: 돌아올 예정인, 반납 예정인
ex> My parents are due back any time now.
cf> When is the baby's due date?   출산 예정일이 언제야?
= When is the baby due?
cf> Whe is the paper due? 마감일이 언제야?

It just slipped my mind.
* slip one's mind: 깜박하다.

Isn't there a penalty for late returns?

Yeah, I might have to pay a fine.

Response>> Talk about a library you go to often.

The library I go to often is a national library that is one of the biggest in Korea.

Some people come to simply read books or do research.

The desks are laptop-friendly.
* Electric cars are environmentally-friendly.

As everything is going digital these days, much of the material can be read on computer.
* go digital: 디저털로 바뀌다, 디저털화하다.
ex> Our hospital has been going digital from a few years ago.

There are hundreds of computers people can use in what's called a "digital library."
* what's called: 소위, 이른바
ex> We hung out in what's called a "norae-bang."

@ Let's get down to business.  본론으로 들어가죠.

1. I forgot to return these books.
2. He isn't due back until next week.
3. The park is very environmentally-friendly.
4. The cost to go digital will be very high.

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