
2011년 9월 27일 화요일

9/26 English Village

Dialog>> Many people invest a lot to learn English.

There seems to be a craze to learn English in Korea.

Many people invest a lot to learn English.

There are basically like a theme park where only English is spoken.

Response>> Talk about "English Villages" in Korea.

Many people in Korea are adamant about learning English.
* adamant: determined not to change your mind or to be persuaded about sth, 의지가 굳은
They invest a tremendous amount of time and energy in learning English.
ex> I invested a lot of time and effort to learn this.

This has led to the concept of "English Villages."
* lead to: ~로 이어지다, ~의 결과를 낳다.
ex> His idea led to great innovation.

An English Village is basically like a theme park where only English is spoken.
ex> Only English was spoken in our club.

It's a place where you can utilize your English skills interacting with native English speakers.
ex> You should utilize your references.
ex> You should try to interact with native speakers as much as possible.

Some places organize English camps for children that last for several weeks.
* organize: put together, 조직하다, 운영하다.

These villages have really taken off recently and there are over a dozen of them around the country.
* take off: 부상하다, 유행을 타다.
* around the country: 전국적으로
* a dozen of: 십여개의
ex> This new trend has really taken off.

@ I can't go forward with the deal. 이 일을 진행할 수 없어.

1. He invested a lot of time and effort to get good grades.
2. This may lead to a serious problem.
3. I like to interact with children.
4. The new trend has really taken off.

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