
2012년 12월 1일 토요일

11/30 Winter Sports Season

1. at last: 드디어, 마침내
ex> At last, we actually meet in person.

2. scrape off: 긁어내다
ex> I spent two hours scraping the paint off the walls.

3. more than ready: 만발의 준비가 된
ex> He was more than ready to be a father.

4. adequate: 적절한, 충분한
I think this is adequate food for ten people.

5. enthusiast [ɪn|θu:ziӕst]: 열광적인 팬
ex> I've always been a sports enthusiast.

6. FYI (= for your information) 참고로
ex> FYI, he is a two-time Olympic gold medalist.

* fanatic: 매니아, 광신자
* hit the slopes: 스키를 타다
* land mass: 국토, 면적
* snowfall: 강설량

@ Do you have a blender?

1. At last, my love has come along.
2. She is more than ready to get married.
3. We have an adequate supply of food.
4. FYI, I've been there twice.

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