1. delicate: 까다로운, 섬세한
ex> Her weight is a very delicate issue.
ex> Plastic surgery is a very delicate issue for stars.
2. ban: 금지하다
ex> They have banned soft drinks in schools.
3. life-support: 생명 유지 장치
ex> This project is on life-support and going down the drain.
* go down the drain: to be wasted; to get much worse,
ex> I just hate to see all that money go down the drain.
4. pull the plug: 생명 유지 장치를 떼내다, 플러그를 뽑다, 중단하다
ex> If the actress doesn't show up, we're going to pull the plug on her interview.
5. ethically: 윤리적으로
ex> Throwing trash on the street is ethically wrong.
ex> Smoking in the public restaurant is considered ethically wrong.
6. final say: 최종 결정권
ex> The president has the final say on who is hired.
* euthanasia [|ju:θə|neɪƷə]: 안락사 ex> They argued in favour of legali
* physician-assisted suicide: 안락사
* put out of: ~에서 벗어나다
* dignified: 고귀한, 위엄이 있는
* comatose: 혼수상태인
* caretaker: 보살펴 주는 사람
* hold onto: 보살펴 주다, 맡다
@ They are stuck between a rock and a had place. 그들은 진퇴양난에 처해 있다.
1. She danced around the delicate issue.
* dance around:
2. They banned overseas poultry.
3. They survived but are on life-support.
4. Please don't pull the plug on the director's movie!
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