
2011년 6월 4일 토요일

6/4 Talk about nuclear energy.

Twenty nuclear power plants are in operation in Korea.
* nuclear power plant: 원자력 발전소
* reactor: 원자로

The use of nuclear energy is a highly-debated topic.
ex> Embryonic stem-cell research is a highly-debated topic in some countries.

One of the pros is that it's sustainable with low carbon emissions.
* sustainable: 지속가능한
ex> Amidst depleting resorces, it's important to have a sustainable energy source.

When nuclear power palnts experience a malfunction, radiation contamination can occur.
* malfunction: 기능장애, 고장
* radiation contamination: 방사능 오염
ex> The website is currently down due to a malfunction in its server.

Radioactive leakage can result in the direct loss of lives or permanent damage to the human body.
* radioactive leakage: 방사능 유출
ex> Wars lead to the direct loss of many innocent lives.

The severity of radioactive leakage measured at level seven on as scale.
ex> The severity of one's punishment depends on their crime.

@ Don't back down no matter what.  무슨 일이 있어도 물러서지 마.
One of my colleagues has been giving me a hard time lately.

1. Animal cloning has been a highly-debated topic for many years.
2. The Korean government announced its policy to reduce carbon emissions.
3. A malfunction in the equipment caused an explosion.
4. Radioactive leakage is expected to affect neighboring countries.

@ Morning Words
1. I have to call in a faver.  이번엔 나 좀 도와줘야겠어.
2. I'm just chillaxin'.  그냥 느긋하게 쉬고 있어.  relax, chill out

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