
2011년 6월 18일 토요일

6/18 Talk about homeless cats in Korea.

There are many stray cats on the streets of Korea.
* stray cat / homeless cat: 도둑고양이

These cats were abandoned to live on their own.
* abandoned: 버림받다.
* live on one's own: 혼자서 생활하다.
ex> The organization rescues animals that were abandoned on the streets.

The number of stray cats seems to go up over time as they reproduce quite often.
* reproduce: 번식하다.
* go up over time: 시간이 지나면서 점차 증가하다.
ex> The real estate value in this area is expected to go up over time.

Loud wailing and screeching can be heard that almost sound like a fussy baby.
* wail: 울부짖다.  sad sound
* screech: 날카로운 소리를 내다.
* fussy: 소란을 피우는

These cats freak people out because they pop up out of nowhere.
* pop up out of nowhere: 어디선가 갑자기 나타나다.
ex> Mosquito bites seem to pop up out of nowhere during the summer.

They go through people's trash bags with their claws.
ex> Could you go through these files and find the one I need?

The trash inside will then spill out everywhere creating a mess.
* creat a mess: 엉망을 만들어 놓다.

I hope we can come up with a humane way of dealing with these homeless cats.
* humane way: 인도적인 방법

@ The basketball bounced off the rim.  농구공이 링에 맞고 튕겨져 나왔어.
That was so close.  정말 아까웠어.

1. She says she has never lived on her own.
2. The population of the city increased over time.
3. I don't like it when he pops up out of nowhere.
4. There are more humane ways of training dogs.

@ Morning Words
1.  Like clockwork.  순조로워, 별 탈 없어.
2. Can the noise.  소리를 죽여!

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