
2011년 6월 21일 화요일

6/20 Talk about how you get movie ticket.

Technology has made it a breeze to get movie tickets.
* breeze: 아주 쉬운 일, 식은 죽 먹기, pieces of cake
ex> The internet has made it a breeze to write research papers.

This can be troublesome as there are often long lines.
* troublesome: 번거로운, 귀찮은, hassle, bothersome
ex> Removing makeup at night is necessary, but can be troublesome at times.

The best option is to purchase your tickets ahead of time online.
* ahead of time: 사전에, in advance
ex> Can you let me know ahead of time when you'll be coming over?

You can even select the exact seat you want to sit in.
ex> She selected the exact seat she wanted for the concert online.

You can get your tickets at automated machines with your resident registration number.
* automated machine: 자동화 기기
ex> Some grocery stores have automated machines that serve as cashiers.

With the smartphone craze, large theaters have created movie ticket applications.
* craze: 열풍

@ Let's try to branch out and make new friends.  범위를 넓혀서 새로운 친구를 사귀어 보자.

1. Keeping your books organized makes it a breeze to find the book you want.
2. The best option is to admit you mistake.
3. You should've let me know ahead of time if you were going to be late.
4. Write down your resident registration number and your name at the top of the form.

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