
2011년 6월 11일 토요일

6/10 Talk about how Koreans place importance on family.

Family is of utmost importance to Koreans as most Koreans are very family-oriented.
* family-oriented: 가족 중심적인
* utmost: greatest, 최고의, 극도의
ex> Getting good grades was of utmost importance when I was in school.

Many carry around pictures of their family members in their wallets or on their cell phones.
ex> I carry around my laptop with me everywhere I go.

Koreans check up on their parents on a regular basis.
* check up on someone: ~의 안부를 확인하다.
ex> I'm just giving you a call to check up on you.

When one gets married, then his or her family doubles to include one's in-laws.
ex> We buy presents for our in-laws for holidays.

Many daughters-in-law make it a duty to call or visit their in-laws from time to time.
* make it a duty to: ~하는 것을 의무로 삼다.

Koreans are generous with money when other family members are having financial trouble.
ex> I hate it when men are not generous with money.

@ A tree was blown down by the typhoon. 태풍에 나무가 쓰러졌어.
My house is okay, but my garden's a mess.  정원이 엉망이 됐어.

1. She got married to a very family-oriented guy.
2. He always carries around his driver's license.
3. My parents check up on me very often.
4. How often do you visit your in-laws?

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