
2011년 6월 27일 월요일

6/27 Talk about your experience with motion sickness.

I  used to have a pretty weak stomach and was extra sensitive to movement.

I often got motion sickness as a child.
* motion sickness: 멀미
ex> Every time I go on a boat I get motion sickness.

I dreaded long car rides because I knew I'd be stuck feeling nauseous the entire time.
* dread: 무서워하다.
* nauseous: 메스꺼운, 속이 울렁거리는

I took motion sickness medication to curb the symptoms.
* curb the symptom: 증상을 완화하다.
ex> Eating healthy will help to curb the symptoms of high-blood pressure.

I would normally have the windows rolled all the way down to get fresh air.
* roll down the window: 창문을 열다.

I often felt like throwing up.
* throw up: 토하다. barf, puke
ex> She felt like throwing up after she drank the spoiled milk.

My mom would always give me behind-the-ear patches for my nausea.
ex> Do they have behind-the- nicotine patches for people quitting smoking?

I was hanging my head overboard during the entire ride.
* hang one's head overboard: 머리를 배 밖으로 내밀다.
ex> The kids were all hanging their heads overboard to look at the fish.

@ The curtains really brightened up the place.  커튼이 분위기를 확 살려 주네.

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