
2011년 6월 6일 월요일

6/5 Talk about Memorial Day in Korea.

One very important national holiday in Korea is Memorial Day.
* memorial day: 현충일
ex> I'll be visiting the national cemetery with my family on Memerial Day.
* National Cemetery: 현충원

It was first declared a public holiday back in 1956.
ex> The president will be making a speech on the upcoming public holiday.

It is a day to honor those who bravely sacrificed their lives for our country.
* honor/commemorate: 기념하다, 추모하다.
ex> We should be thankful of the people who sacrificed their lives for democracy.

Soldiers who lost their lives during combat or in the line of duty are remembered.
* in the line of duty: 임무 중에
ex> Many firefighters lose their lives in the line of duty.

The Korean flag is hung at half-staff as a sign of respect and mourning.
* hang at half-staff: 조기로 게양하다.
* mourning: 조의, 추모
ex> Hanging a flag at half-staff is to pay one's respects to those who have sacrificed theselves for the nation.

@ He backed out at the last minute.  막판에 못 하겠다고 했어. 발을 빼다. bail out

1. What are some public holidays in your country?
2. He sacrificed his life for his family.
3. Many policemen were injured in the line of duty.
4. Flags are hung at half-staff to honor war veterans.

@ Morning Words
1. I'm chomping at the bit.  나 노심초사하고 있어.
* chomp: 씹다. 쩝쩝 먹다.

2. I paid chump change.  푼돈주고 샀어, 그냥 '껌값'이야.

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