
2011년 6월 16일 목요일

6/15 Talk about your experience with jetlag.

One of the bad thing about international travel is that you have to deal with jetlag when it's all over.
* jetlag: 시차 부적응
ex> I have jetlag. I'm so jetlaged.

The longer the flight, the worse one's jetlag tends to be.
ex> The longer the commute, the worse one's job satisfaction tends to be.

The time difference can really throw you off for days.
* throw someone off: confuse, 당황하게 하다.
ex> The new office design kind of threw me off when I first walked in.

Once I had such noisy passengers on my flight that I couldn't sleep a wink.
* couldn't sleep a wink: didn't sleep at all, 잠을 한숨도 못 잤다.

When I landed and had to go about my normal activities, I felt like a zombie.
* feel like a zombie: 녹초가 된 기분이다.

I was so dead tired that I couldn't function properly.
ex> I worked a night shift and am dead tired.
cf> night shift: 야간근무

Avoid taking naps as much as possible since that just prolongs the jetlag.
* take a nap: 낮잠을 자다.
ex> I recommend young kids take naps in the early afternoon.

Your body's rhythm should get back on track about a week later.
* get back on track: 다시 정상을 되찾다.
ex> Focus and get back on track or you'll never finish this project.

@ She's known to bottle up her emotions.  그녀는 감정을 억누르는 편이야.

1. Most flight attendants experience jetlag.
2. The machine is not functioning properly.
3. The surgery will prolong his life by 10 years.
4. The CEO promised to get the company back on track.

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