
2011년 7월 31일 일요일

7/28 Talk about getting glasses or contacts in Korea.

It is easy to get glasses or contacts in Korea because there are so many eyewear stores.
* eyewear store: 안경점
ex> I can't get just any type of contacts because I have astigmatism.
* astigmatism: a fault in the shape of a person’s eye that prevents them from seeing clearly, 난시

This is partly because not many Koreans have 20/20 vision.
* 20/20 vision: 정상시력 1.0
ex> He always brags about having perfect 20/20 vision.
* brag: to talk too proudly about sth you own or sth you have done

An optician will first check your eyesight.
* optician: 안경사
cf> optometrist: 검안사
ex> Did you have your doctor check your eyesight recently?

You can go to an optometrist to get a prescription for your glasses.
* prescription: 처방전, 렌즈 도수

Korean eyewear shops don't require prescriptions for you to buy eyewear.
ex> He's so stylish that he has dozens of different, trendy eyewear.

Contacts can come in hard or soft lenses, depending on your preference.
* come in: 출시되다.

These days, people wear contacts for aesthetic reasons as well.
* for aesthetic reasons: 미용을 목적으로

@ What can we do to clean up your image?   깨끗하게 하다, 향상시키다.

1. The eyewear store sells imported frames.
2. You're lucky to have 20/20 vision.
3. I was shocked when I checked my eyesight last week.
4. The new drug does not require a doctor's prescription.

댓글 1개:

  1. Eyewere store plays an important role in enhancing the personality of different individuals you have the large number of collections...
