
2011년 7월 18일 월요일

7/18 Talk about typical summer vacations among Koreans.

The peak vacation season in Korea is from late July to early August.
* peak vacation season: 휴가 최고 성수기
ex> Korea is bustling with foreigners druing peak vacation season.
* bustle: to move around in a busy way or to hurry sb in a particular direction

Vacation hotspots get packed with people.
* get packed with people: 사람들로 넘쳐나다.
ex> The coffee shops get packed with people sick of the scorching heat.

It's needless to mention that the rates for everything go up.
* rates: 요금, 요율
ex> The rate of gold is going up as more people are investing in it.

People flock to beaches, mountains, lakes and to some of the many islands.
* flock to :~로 몰려들다.
ex> Everybody flocked to the bride to gush about how beautiful she looked.

People commonly take a week off for their summer vacations.
* take a week off: 일주일 휴가를 내다.
ex> I'm going to take a week off druing December to visit home.

@ I'm trying to bulk up for the summer.  여름을 대비해서 몸 만드는 중이야.

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