
2011년 7월 13일 수요일

7/12 Talk about what you put in your wallet.

My wallet carries all the things that I need on a daily basis.
ex> She was checked in to a hospital because she needed treatment on a daily basis.

There's my resident registration card up in the front for easy access.
* easy access: 용이한 접근성
ex> I keep some cough drops on my desk at work for easy access.

The rest of my cards are in order of importance.
* in order of importance: 중요도 순서대로.
ex> You should organize your files in order of importance.

My gas station mileage card is frequently used.

I have to clean out the stack of business cards from my wallet every now and then.
* stack: 쌓여 있는 뭉치
* clean out: 말끔히 청소하다
ex> His mother told him to clean out his closet before dinner.

@ The fire burned down half the office.  사무실 절반을 전부 태워 버렸어.

1. I write a journal on a daily basis.
2. Arrange what you should do in order of importance.
3. They offer free car washes to those who have gas station mileage cards.
4. Please clean out my fridge while I'm out.

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