
2011년 7월 29일 금요일

7/29 Talk about typical eating disorders.

Koreans have a much tougher standard when it comes to body weight.

It has a lot to do with how stars look on TV.

Because many celebrities are so rail thin, even people of average weight feel like they need to slim down.
* rail thin: 젖가락처럼 마른
* slim down: lose weight, 살을 빼다.
ex> Everybody tries to slim down a little for bikini season.

People will sometimes half-starve themselves to lose weight.
* half-starve: 반쯤 굶다.
ex> Bad pet owners will forget and half-starve their pets.

This is definitely unhealthy and could even lead to anorexia.
* anorexia: an emotional disorder, especially affecting young women, in which there is an abnormal fear of being fat, causing the person to stop eating, leading to dangerous weight loss.
ex> She looks so skinny that it's unhealthy and sickly looking.

Some will binge eat with others and purge in secret at home.
* binge eat: eating a lot
* purge: 1. rid someone of an unwanted feeling, memory, or condition. 2. physically remove sth completely, evacuate one's bowels, (먹은 것을) 다 토해내다.
ex> I was so hungry after not eating all day that I totally binge ate.

If you notice that one of your friends is constantly eating like a bird, you may want to keep your guard up.
* eat like a bird: 새처럼 조금 먹다.
* keep one's guard up: 경계심을 높이다.

Eating disorders can lead to lack of energy and malnutrition.
* malnutrition: a poor condition of health caused by a lack of food or a lack of the right type of food
ex> Many children in third world countries are struggling with starvation and malnutrition.

@ She'll come around eventually, but you have to be patient. ~익숙해지다, ~하게 되다.

1. You don't have to slim down at all.
2. Many models struggle with anorexia.
3. I decided to go on a diet but binge ate yeaterday.
4. Irregular meals can lead to eating disorder.

@ Morning Words
1. 나 스스로 꽤 만족스러워.  I'm quite tickled, myself.
* tickle: 1) 간질이다, 2) 기쁘게 하다, 만족하게 하다.
ex> He was highly tickled at the idea.

2. 우리가 이 부분에 있어서는 최고 선두야.  We are at the vanguard on this.
* vanguard: the leaders of a movement in society, for example in politics, art, industry, etc.

A: Is Tom's idea on the up-and-up?  탐의 계획은 믿을 만해?  (be on the up-and-up = honest, truthful)
B: I don't think it's dishonest.

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