
2012년 9월 14일 금요일

9/10 Jeong Yak-yong

Talk about a great Korean philosopher, Jeong Yak-yong.

One of the most brilliant minds in Korean history is Dasan, or Jeong Yak-yong.
* mind: 인물, 생각
cf> pseudonym, pen name: 호
ex> That's a brilliant idea!

He wrote many influential works on science and philosophy.
* influential: 영향력이 있는
* work: 업적, 책
* philosophy: 철학
ex> He is very influential in the community.

Dasan was also a close confidant of King Jeongjo.
* confidant [|kɑ:nfɪdӕnt]: 절친한 친구
ex> The king's confidant betrayed him during the war.

Dasan's greatest legacy is probably his views on democracy.
* legacy: 유산
ex> The country has a long legacy of war.

His philosophy was that the king should rule with integrity and fairness for the people.
* integrity: 진실성

He espoused government to provide and care for the people.
* espouse  |spaʊz]: 지지하다, 옹호하다

Dasan's stance was that government should not control the people, but nurture and offer sympathy.
* stance: 입장, 태도, 생각, view point,
ex> What is your stance on the subject?
* nurture  [|n3:rtʃə(r)]: 보살피다
* offer sympathy: 연민의 정을 베풀다

This was in stark contrast with the political environment of the time.
* stark: completely, totally, 완전한
ex> His views are in stark contrast with mine.
ex> There was a stark contrast between the interior and exterior of the building.

But Dasan was a forward-thinker and pioneer.
* forward-thinker: 진보적인 사상가

@ It's been passed down through generations.  집안 대대로 전해 내려온 거야.
= heirloom  [|erlu:m]: 가보

1. The brilliant child spoke before she could crawl.
2. He has some influential ideas.
3. A confidant must never reveal secrets.
4. Your outfit is in stark contrast to mine.


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