
2012년 9월 24일 월요일

9/17 Diagnosis-Related Group Pricing System

Talk about the Diagnosis-Related Group pricing system.

Despite strong opposition from the Korean Medical Association, the Korean government launched a new medical treatment pricing system on July 1st.
ex> Despite her effort, she couldn't lose weight.

Under the so-called Diagnosis-Related Group pricing system, patients will pay fixed prices for seven common medical treatments.
ex> We have a fixed number of staff here.

So, for example, if you are treated for cataracts, homorrhoids, appendicitis, caesarian section births, hysterectomies, tonsils, or hernia, you will be charged the same price.
ex> I was charged an entrance fee.

The government estimates that this will bring down costs for these operations by up to 21 percent.
ex> You can save up to 50%.

It will prevent patients from undergoing unnecessary tests and treatments.
ex> She underwent plastic surgery.

However, some doctors claim that it will reduce the overall quality of medical services.
* overall: 전체적인, 전반적인
ex> What is the overall condition of your car?

@ It's a win-win situation.  모두가 득을 볼 수 있어. 

1. Despite his effort, he couldn't quit smoking.
2. We have a fixed number of chairs in this room.
3. You can fit up to four golf bags in my trunk.
4. The overall quality of life in North Korea is very low.

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