
2015년 8월 10일 월요일

PE 8/10 Cindy’s New Suitcase

* brick-and-mortar: a physical location (as opposed to an online store)
ex> The internet has made it challenging for brick-and-mortar stores to stay in business.
ex> My sister like shopping online, but I prefer going to brick-and-mortar stores.

* hands-on: involving active participation
ex> Naomi has a lot of hands-on experience teaching gymnastics to kids.
Note> In Hollywood, some celebrities make it a point to tell everyone that they are “hands-on” parents. Because these people have easy access to nannies and housekeepers, they want the world to know that they are actively involved in raising their kids.

* pushy: excessively assertive or ambitious
ex> Why are these so many pushy older women on the subway today?

* won’t take no for an answer: to be unwilling to accept refusal
ex> I’d like to take you to dinner this Friday, and I won’t take no for an answer.

* devil’s advocate: a person who gives an opposing viewpoint to test the strength of an argument
ex> I’ll play devil’s advocate here and suggest that your plan could do more harm than good.
Note> Originally, a Devil’s Advocate was a Roman Catholic church official who had been appointed to argue the case against a proposed canonization of a candidate for sainthood. The Devil’s Advocate’s formal title is Promoter of the Faith, which isn’t quite as sinister.

* in a heartbeat: quickly and enthusiastically
ex> If Victor proposed to me, I would say “yes” in a heartbeat.
ex> We’d always wanted to spend time in Europe, so we agreed in a heartbeat when the opportunity came up.

* shady: The word “shady” has a more literal meaning as well. It can refer to an outdoor area that is protected from direct sunlight, like a shady patio or a shady forest. To help remember that it also means “dishonest,” imagine that truth is like sunshine.
ex> That place has a shady reputation, and I don’t want to see you lose your money.

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