
2015년 8월 14일 금요일

PE 8/14 Persuaded a Party

* dude up: to dress well; make attractive
ex> Clive likes to get his car all duded up and drive up and down the shoreline road.

* swamped: very busy with work
ex> We were swamped with orders within days of announcing our new product.

* never fail: always happen
ex> It never fails: every time I’m in the shower, my mother phones me.

* sing one’s heart out: to sing loudly and freely
ex> Those girls stood outside the restaurant for half an hour, singing their hearts out.
Note> Korean people love to sing. Singing rooms are a great place “to sing one’s heart out,” but the best place to do this is in the car. Just make sure no one is watching.

* transmogrify: to be transformed in a quick and surprising way
ex> Children are amazed to watch a caterpillar transmogrify into a butterfly.

* happy-go-lucky: carefree; not worried about the future
ex> I’m trying to become as happy-go-lucky as my puppy is.
Note> People who can be accurately described as happy-go-lucky do not let the stresses and pressures of everyday life get to them. Happy-go-lucky people take a positive approach, appreciating the good things – not just the bad – that come from a rough situation.

* every once in a while: English has many expressions that mean “occasionally” or “rarely.” For things that happen sometimes, you can use “every now and again,” “every now and then,” or “every once in a while.” For very rare events, you can say “once in a blue moon.”
ex> Every once in a while my dad will do something strange, like fill the fridge with car parts.

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