
2015년 10월 8일 목요일

10/8 Wedding Pictures

Talk about the pictures you took for your wedding.

I remember taking a lot of pictures for my wedding. First, we signed with a photo studio. We went there a month before the wedding for the wedding album shoot. The photographer took many pictures of us with our wedding gowns on. We selected several pictures that were displayed later on at the wedding. At the actual wedding ceremony, we took many group pictures with the guests. We also took individual snapshots here and there. We added the pictures from our honeymoon and created an album. We still go through the album from time to time. The pictures help us reminisce on our wedding day.

@ Speaking Tips: reminisce on
~을 회상하다
과거에 있었던 일을 회상한다는 의미로 사용하는 표현이 reminisce on이다. 바로 뒤에 회상하는 대상을 붙여 주면 된다.

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