
2016년 12월 10일 토요일

PE 11/21 Helping Dad Enjoy Concerts Again

She’s right. It’s just too hard to get around since I had my surgery. It doesn’t help that we tend to hit the sack at nine o’clock these days.
* get around: to be mobile; move from place to place
ex> My mom is using one of those electric scooters to get around.
ex> If you live within the city, public transit is the best way to get around.
* hit the sack: to go to bed
ex> We make our kids hit the sack by 9 o’clock.

* in person: while physically present (not by electronic means)
ex> There are some things I prefer to discuss in person, not via text.

That’s nice of you, but I can never get all this newfangled online stuff to work.
It’s not rocket science, dad. I can make it as easy as turning on your TV.
* newfangled: modern and complicated
ex> There are too many buttons on this newfangled microwave!
* rocket science: something that is difficult to learn or understand
ex> It’s not rocket science: it’s just a navigation app.

Easy for you, maybe. Remember how that new shaver you got me threw me for a loop? You’re dealing with the technically impaired here, I’m afraid.
* throw one for a loop: to surprise or confuse one
ex> There’s a question on my tax return that’s throwing me for a loop.
ex> It threw me for a loop when they said they’d need my birth certificate.

@ Mom says you’ve been bummed about not being able to go to concerts.  올해는 연주회에 못 가셔서 많이 섭섭해 하신다면서요.
gloomy ~ /despondent ~ /down in the dumps ~

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