
2016년 12월 8일 목요일

PE 11/16 Carpooling with the Boss

Did you see who took the last slot in our carpool? The CFO, of all people.
* of all people: used to emphasize that the person named is surprising or unexpected; more than anyone else
ex> Then my long-lost brother walked through the door, of all people!

Really? I guess he wants to set a good example for the rest of the staff.
* set a good example: to do something that inspires others to behave similarly
ex> It’s better to set a good example than to offer advice.

I’d better keep my car as neat as a pin. Have you seen his desk?
* neat as a pin: very tidy and clean
ex> Erin must want something - her room is as neat as a pin.

Well, I guess we’re going to have to start minding our p’s and q’s during the commute.
* mind one’s p’s and q’s: to behave politely, especially in the presence of an elder or superior
ex> Our new supervisor is strict, so we have to mind our p’s and q’s.

Aw, he’s probably a down-to-earth guy just like us. Maybe he’ll welcome the chance to let his hair down a bit.
* down-to-earth: practical; sensible; realistic; unpretentious
ex> The boss is very down-to-earth, so you can be honest with him.
* let one’s hair down: to behave in a relaxed, free, and uninhibited way
ex> My coworkers and I let our hair down after work on Fridays.

@ His desk is always immaculate.  그의 책상은 항상 티 하나 없이 깨끗하다.
spotless. /impeccable. /spick-and-span.

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