
2016년 12월 17일 토요일

PE 11/29 Paul Hamer - Park Tudor School Graduation Speech

As I bring these remarks to an end, I would be remiss if I did not tell you that it was this class that helped me recover from my bout with Empty Nest Syndrome.
* be remiss: to be negligent; fail to show enough care or attention
ex> My best man was remiss in fulfilling his duties.

* bout: a short period when something is occurring
ex> We had a bout of bad weather last month.
ex> Lisa had to stay home due to a bout of flu.

* empty nest syndrome: feelings of sadness when all one’s children have moved away; 빈 둥지 증후군
ex> My sister had a terrible case of empty nest syndrome when her son went to college.

It happened through a series of unexpected moments. For example, last February, when I was probably at my worst, I got a thank-you note from one of you for writing your college recommendations.
* at one’s worst: experiencing the lowest point in one’s behavior, health, etc
ex> You’ve seen me at my worst, and you’ve still remained loyal to me.

You said that the college application process was stressful and that it helped to know that I was writing on your behalf even though you said that, based on the way I had graded your papers, I had probably written your recommendation in red ink.
* on one’s behalf: representing one; to one’s benefit; in place of one
ex> She accepted the award on behalf of her mother.

All I can say is that, in the final analysis, this class proved to be what I had instead of Molly for his past year, and you did not let me down.
* let one down: Bruce said he was going to drive me to ther
ex> Bruce said he was going to drive me to the reunion, but he let me down.

@ As I bring these remarks to an end,  이 말을 마치면서
to a close, /to a finish, /to a conclusion,

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