
2016년 12월 15일 목요일

PE 11/25 Kitchen Crisis

I had too many things on the go and I guess it slipped my mind that I’d left it on “high” with all that oil in it.
* on the go: in progress or motion; happening
ex> Can I learn another instrument while I have the viola on the go?

* slip one’s mind: to be forgotten
ex> It slipped my mind that I had a dental appointment this morning.

Caroline was at the ready with the fire extinguisher before I knew what was happening. Where are the kids now?
* at the ready: present and prepared
ex> Cheryl keeps a large umbrella at the ready near the front door.
ex> I like to have a phrase book at the ready when I travel.

I guess the crew will be on their way once those huge fans have finished working their magic.
* on one’s way: leaving one place to go to another; along one’s route
ex> We’ll be on our way as soon as they announce the winners.

* work one’s magic: to do something one is accomplished at (or an item is designed for)
ex> I think I’ll let the dry cleaner work his magic on this stain.

It seems I’m a little out of practice in the kitchen.
* out of practice: no longer able, familiar or comfortable doing something
ex> Are you sure you want me in your band? I’m out of practice.

@ The kids leapt into action.  애들이 즉시 반응했다.
jumped to it. /sprang into action. /responded instantly

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