
2016년 12월 23일 금요일

PE 11/30 The Company Newsletter

You’re Bob, the new guy, right? So, how are you finding it here? Are you getting the hang of it?
* get the hang of something: to become familiar and adept at something
ex> I’m not a great swing dancer yet, but I’m getting the hang of it.
ex> You’ll get the hang of operating this machine in just a few hours.

Hi Alex! I’m doing okay, thanks. Mary Newman has been showing me the ropes. She’s the one whose husband was arrested for impaired driving last month.
* show one the ropes: to teach specific methods, procedures and systems to one
ex> You’re new here, so they’ve asked me to show you the ropes.

Uh, have you met Perry simmonds yet? I think he was still away when you signed on.
* sign on: to begin or commit oneself to something
ex> Over a million people have already signed on to the new service.

Whoa! TMI Where have you been finding all this dirt on the people who work here, Bob? Or do people you barely know typically spill their guts to you?
* TMI (Too Much Information)
ex> When Olivia started telling me about her health problems in detail, I said TMI!

* dirt: secrets or incriminating evidence against one; scandalous gossip
ex> Reporters have found some dirt on the candidate.

* spill one’s guts: to suddenly or generously confess one’s private secrets
ex> The suspect spilled his guts to police during questioning.

@ How are you finding it here?  여기서 지내기 어때요?
What do you think of it here? /What are your impressions of this place? /How are things going for you here?

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