
2016년 12월 17일 토요일

PE 11/28 Trying a Dating App

I’m getting sick and tired of waiting in the wings while all my friends are getting married left, right, and center.
* sick and tired: frustrated; no longer willing to endure
ex> Shelila is sick and tired of picking up her kids’ toys.

* waiting in the wings: to be ready to replace someone or something in a featured
ex> Do a good job because there are lots of other candidates waiting in the wings.

* left, right, and center: everywhere; to a large degree
ex> There are new coffee shops opening left, right and center.

Wouldn’t that be the lesser of two evils?
Not if it meant that I’d be pestered by a bunch of creepy guys. I’d hate that.
* the lesser of (the) two evils: the least undesirable of two bad options
ex> I’ll dry the dishes because it’s the lesser of the two evils.
ex> Voting sometimes means having to choose the lesser of two evils.

Most dating apps allow you to weed out people who may not be up to scratch. It’s up to you who you communicate with.
* weed out: to remove someone or something that is not wanted
ex> Let’s review this list and weed out any unsuitable candidates.

* up to scratch: at the expected standard or level
ex> Your job is to get the students’ writing skills up to scratch.

@ The thought hadn’t actually crossed my mind.  그 생각은 사실 못했어.
~ entered my mind. /~occurred to me. /Actually, I never would’ve thought of doing that.

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