
2012년 6월 2일 토요일

5/31 Lunch

DIALOG>> I think I ate too fast during lunch.

A: What's wrong? Are you okay?
B: I think I ate too fast during lunch.
A: Oh, no! Your stomach seems to be upset.
B: Yeah, maybe. Do you have anything for indigestion?
A: I'll run to the pharmacy and get some medicine for you.
B: Would you do that? Thanks!

RESPONSE>> What kind of menu do you like the most for lunch? How often do you have it?

I'm not a picky eater at all and like almost everything.
* picky eater: 입맛이 까다로운 사람,= choosy [|tʃu:zi]
ex> My son was a picky eater when he was young.

The student cafeteria has a rotation system where the meals are different every day.

Most of the dishes are Korean ones that include a soup, rice and side dishes.

I like western food as well but I cannot do without some rice for more than a day or two.
* cannot do without: ~없이는 지낼 수 없다
ex> I cannot do without a car because I move around a lot for my work.

I'm a big fan of meat and my favorite is pork.
ex> My husband is a big fan of beef.

In Korea we eat lots of different cuts of pork, prepared in many different styles.
ex> There are many different cuts of pork.

Jaeyook bokum is a spicy pork dish that is one of my favorites.
ex> Spicy dishes are my favorite.

I also like to have fried pork cutlets and kimchi stew with pork in it.
* fried pork cutlets: 돈가스
ex> My daughter's favorite dish is fried pork cutlets.

@ I can't decide what to eat for lunch.  점심으로 뭘 먹어야 할지 모르겠어.

1. My mother is a very picky eater.
2. We cannot do without internet these days.
3. We are big fans of the actor.
4. I had a fried pork cutlets for lunch.

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