
2012년 6월 9일 토요일

6/6 Memorial Day

DIALOG>> My grandfather was a Korean War veteran.

A: What are you doing this Memorial Day?
B: My whole family is going to the National Cemetery in Seoul.
A: How come?
B: My grandfather was a Korean War veteran. He's buried there.
A: Wow, really?
B: Yeah, my dad told me he was killed in action near the Imjin River.
* killed in action (KIA): 전사하다
* war veteran: 참전 용사

RESPONSE>> Talk about Memorial Day in Korea.

The Korean Memorial Day, or Hyeonchung-il, is a national holiday in Korea observed on June 6th every year.
* observe: 지키다, 기념하다
ex> Thanksgiving Day in the United States is observed on the every fourth Thurday of November.

This holiday is equivalent to Memorial Day in the United States.
* be equivalent to: ~와 같다, ~에 상당하다
ex> One gallon is equivalent to 3.79 liters.
ex> A mile is equivalent to 1.6 kilometers.

We celebrate this important day to commemorate men and women who died during the Korean War and other significant battles.
* commemorate: 추도하다, 추모하다

We also honor those who bravely fought for our independence during the Japanese occupation.

On this day, a memorial service is held in the National Cemetery in Seoul and the Korean flag is flown half-mast.
* National Cemetery: 국립묘지
ex> The next summer Olympic Games will be held in London, England.
* be flown half-mast (=half-staff): 조기로 게양하다,

At the tenth hour of this day, a moment of silence is observed to honor those who gave up their lives for our country.
* a moment of silence: 묵념
ex> There was a moment of silence for the Italian football player Morosini.
* give up one's life: 목숨을 바치다
ex> It's totally wrong to give up your own life.

This period of silence generally lasts a minute.
ex> How long does that movie last?

@ My condolences to you and your family.
당신과 당신 가족에게 삼가 조의를 표합니다.

1. Korea's independence day is observed on August 15th every year.
2. 32 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to zero degrees Celsius.
3. Let's have a moment of silence for him.
4. His marriage didn't last that long.

댓글 1개:

  1. We have to give our honor to our ancestors to protect our nation from enemies. We also let them to use VA hospital freely.
