
2012년 6월 30일 토요일

6/28 World Heritage Site

DIALOG>> I'd like to check them out one of these days.

A: Do you know how many World Heritage Sites are there in Korea?
B: Beats me. How many?
A: There are 10 Sites throughout Korea.
B: Wow, that many? Have you been to any of them?
A: Of course, I've been to Seokguram and the Chosun Dynasty Tombs.
B: Cool. I'd like to check them out one of these days.
* beats me: 전혀 모르겠다. I have no idea.

RESPONSE>> Talk about Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes.

Jeju Island boasts its beautiful beaches and luxurious resorts.
* boast: 자랑하다, 뽐내다, speak with pride
cf> brag: (심하게)자랑하다, 떠벌리다 (못마땅함)
ex> Parents love to boast about their children's accomplishment.

It is also the home of UNESCO's World Heritiage Site : Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes.
* lava tubes: 용암 동굴

This mainly comprises three sites. One of them is the extensive system of caves called Geo-mun-ore-um lava tubes.
ex> Computer comprises three main parts.
ex> Her knowledge of German literature was much more extensive than I imagined.

It is widely known as one of the most well-preserved and the finest system of lava tubes in the world.

Seong-san Il-chul-bong is another site that has aesthetic beauty.
* aesthetic: 미학의, 미의  aesthetic clinic, 성형외과
ex> The film was not only moving but the visuals were aesthetically appealing as well.

It's a tuff cone formed by a volcanic eruption in the ocean.
* tuff cone: 응회구
* volcanic eruption: 화산 폭발

Mount Halla, another site included as the World Heritage, has beautiful waterfalls and breathtaking landscapes.
* breathtaking: 깜짝 놀랄만한

Tourists and scientists alike can visit this amazing site and get a glimpse of Mother Nature's remarkable creation.
* get a glimpse of: ~을 흘끗 보다,
* Mother Nature: 자연
ex> Adults and children alike enjoyed Harry Potter and Star Wars.
ex> People waited long hours just to get a glimpse of the star.

@ It's a part of my heritage.  그건 우리의 전통 중 하나야.

1. He boasted about his wife's cooking skills.
2. There was extensive coverage of the Presidential election on the news.
3. How alike are you with your boyfriend?
4. You can get a glimpse of her work.

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