
2012년 6월 1일 금요일

5/30 Reservations

DIALOG>> Don't we have to make reservations?

A: Do you want to eat out at that restaurant today?
B: Sure, why not? But it's Friday.
A: What about Friday?
B: Don't we have to make reservations?
A: You're right. That place was full that last time we went there.
B: Let me call first and ask.
* eat out: 외식하다

RESPONSE>>Some things can go wrong while you are making reservations at a restaurant. Talk about an incident when you had some difficulty in making reservations at a restaurant.

I don't make a reservation for a restaurant most of the time.
* make a reservation: 예약하다
ex> You should make a reservation for that restaurant.

The exception to this rule is at the end of the year.
* exception to this rule: 규칙의 예외
ex> The exception to this rule is senior people.

Companies tend to throw year-end parties for their staff and friends all try to meet one last time before the New Year.
* year-end party: 송년회
ex> We are going to have year-end party next week.

Restaurants quickly get booked up and this was the problem I encountered last year.
* get booked up: 예약이 다 차다
ex> Hotel rooms get booked up early at this time of the year.

I was trying to plan a romantic meal with my fiance at our favorite restaurant but the place was fully booked.
ex> All the business class seats are fully booked.

We checked out several other eateries with goo reviews but the prices for their Christmas menu were beyond our price range.
* beyond one's price range: 예상 가격을 벗어나는
ex> The purse was beyond my price range.

Most places were charging nearly twice as much as they normally would.

We just ended up eating at home.

@ We are a party of five.  전부 다섯 명이예요.

1. Can I make a reservation for two tonight?
2. There is no exception to this rule.
3. Unfortunately, the restaurant was fully booked.
4. The computer is beyond my price range.

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