
2012년 6월 10일 일요일

6/8 Fan Death

DIALOG>> I just bought an electric fan today.

A: Do you have an air-conditioner at home?
B: Unfortunately, no, but I just bought an electric fan today.
A: Nice! But be careful not to leave it on all night.
B: What are you talking about?
A: You've never heard of "fan death"?
B: Nope. What is it?

RESPONSE>> Talk about an urban myth called fan death in Korea.

There is an urban myth in Korea called "fan death."
* urban myth: 도시 전설, 괴담, urban legend

A large number of Koreans believe that just a regular electric fan can kill you.
ex> A large number of people are gathering near city hall.

During summer, if you have an electric fan running directly on your face or body in an enclosed room, it could kill you while you sleep.
* enclosed room: 밀폐된 방
* directly on: 직접적으로, 바로

Especially old people, young children and drunken people are at a greater risk.
ex> Smokers are at a greater risk of cancer.

In order to prevent this, fans sold in Korea have a timer switch that turns off the fans after a set period of time.
ex> You have to constantly practice in order to improve your English.
* a set period of time: 정해 놓은 시간
ex> My computer turns off by itself after a set period of time.

You can also make your fans oscillate or open your window just a little to allow the air in and out.
* oscillate: 진동하다, 왔다 갔다 하다
* allow the air in and out: 공기를 통하게 하다, ventilation

People believe that "fan death" is caused by hypothermia or suffocation but there isn't enough scientific proof to support this phenomenon.
* suffocation: 질식
* hypothermia: 저체온증
ex> Some scientists say global warming is not caused by carbon dioxide.
ex> I can't cook spaghetti tonight because there isn't enough sauce.

@ Don't fall for that myth.  그 미신에 속지마

1. People who consume a lot of sodium are at a greater risk of heart attack.
2. In order to lower your blood pressure, you need to decrease your sodium consumption.
3. His death was caused by natural causes.
4. There isn't enough pizza for everyone.

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