
2012년 6월 24일 일요일

6/22 Basketball

DIALOG>> Do you want to go shoot some hoops?

A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: Well, I don't know yet. What's up?
A: Do you want to go shoot some hoops?
B: Yeah, I sure do!
A: I'll pick you up around 10.
B: Alright! That sounds great.
* shoot hoops: 농구하다

RESPONSE>> What do you need to play basketball? What are the things you do in order avoid injuries while playing basketball?

If I want to play basketball, I would need a basketball hoop, a basketball and players.
* basketball hoop: 농구 골대

I usually go to the nearest Han River Park to play basketball.
ex> Where is the nearest hospital from here?

Basketball is a very active sport.

I have to move around constantly.

In order to avoid injuries, I have to stretch at least 10 minutes before playing basketball.
ex> In order to live healthy, you have to cut down on salt.

Stretching is the most vital part of any sports activity.
ex> The most vital part of the body is the head.
ex> Social networking has become  the most vital part of our lives.

Stretching relaxes my muscles and joints.

This will increase the range of motion of my limbs and joints, which reduces the chance of getting injured.
ex> Eating healthy will definitely reduce the chance of getting obese.
ex> What are the chances of getting hit by a lightning?.. very slim.

However, there is another important part that people tend to overlook. And that is cooling down.
* overlook: 간과하다
* cooling down: 운동후 정리 운동
ex> I tend to forget to set my alarm clock at night.

Cooling down slowly brings your heart rate and body temperature back to normal.
* back to normal: 정상으로 돌아가서
ex> All his vital signs were back to normal.
ex> Her swollen eyes returned back to normal condition.

I never forget to cool down after playing basketball.

@ My legs are so sore!  다리가 너무 아파!

1. Sales personnel are the most vital part of our company.
2. Quitting smoking reduces the chance of getting lung cancer.
3. She tends to be overly depressed from time to time.
4. His blood pressure came back to normal.

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