
2012년 6월 20일 수요일

6/19 Young Kim

DIALOG>> He is the best man for the job.

A: Did you hear about the new president of the World Bank?
B: Yeah, Dr Yong Kim. He 's a Korean-American, isn't he?
A: You're right. He really helped a lot of people in developing countries.
B: I read about that in the paper.
A: I think he is the best man for the job.
B: I totally agree with you.
ex> Everyone in the group thought he wasn't the best man for the job.

RESPONSE>> Talk about the president of the World Bank, Yong Kim.

The World Bank recently announced Korean-born physician Yong Kim as its next president.
ex> My company recently announced that it would extend its business to China.

He will begin his five-year term on July 1st.

Dr. Kim was nominated by U.S. president Barack Obama for President of the World Bank.
* be nominated by: ~에 의해 후보로 지명되다
ex> She was nominated by her predecessor.

His nomination came as a big surprise because he had no experience in the financial world.
* come as a big surprise: 놀라게 하다
ex> Their wedding announcement came as a big surprise.

He was born in Seoul and his family immigrated to America when he was just five years old.

He obtained his doctorate degree in medicine and anthropology at Harvard.
* obtain: 갖다, 획득하다
* doctorate degree in medicine: 의학 박사 학위
ex> I obtained my bachelor's degree in economics in the US.

He cofounded an organization called "Partners in Health" with other physicans in 1987.

He devoted himself to fighting tuberculosis and AIDS in developing nations.
ex> Mother Teresa devoted herself to helping the poorest people in India.

He has been president of Dartmouth University since 2009.

He is the first Asian-American president of an Ivy League school.

@ He's my role model.  그는 나의 롤 모델이야

1. He announced that he would run for the president of Korea.
2. His confession came as a big surprise.
3. He devoted himself to fighting for his country's independence.
4. Do you think he is the best man for the job?

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