
2012년 6월 28일 목요일

6/27 School Violence

DIALOG>> Bullying is out of control these days.

A: Did you see this article about more violence in schools?
B: Yes, I did. It's very disturbing.
A: In my day, there was bullying at school, but not like it is now.
B: I know. It's insane.
A: Bullying is out of control these days.
B: We have to do something about it!
* get out of control = get out of hand

RESPONSE>> Talk about school violence.

School violence is Korea has been in the headlines for quite a while now.
* for quite a while: 한동안
ex> Political scandal always makes the headlines.
ex> What are the headlines today?

It is a very serious concern for all of society.

With all the media attention to the issue, the general public has also come to grips with the reality of the situation.
* come to grips with: ~와 직면하게 되다
ex> The general public had little knowledge about the Presidential candidate.

Although the government and school officials have taken measures to prevent school violence, we still see reports of serious bullying, or "wang-tta." among both middle and high school students on the news.
* take measures to: ~하는 조치를 취하다, take actions (steps) to
ex> They had taken measures to crack down on fake brand-name products.
* on the news: 뉴스에서

Bullies have gotten out of hand and many students fear going to school.
ex> Your lateness is getting out of hand.

Some bullied students have gone so far as committing suicide to escape their tormentors.
* go so far: 심지어 ~을 하다
ex> I would not go so far as to say she is an excellent actress.
* commit suicide, take one's own life: 자살하다
* tormentor: 괴롭히는 사람

These suicides clearly show that society can no longer brush aside this problem.
* brush aside: 무시하다, 모르는 척하다
ex> He brushed my concern aside.
ex> You must be able to brush aside your worries.

Students, parents, and school officials must work together to protect children and find a solution to the problem.

@ It's disturbing. 끔찍하다

1. The death of Whitney Houston made the headlines.
2. The general public wants a stable economy.
3. His drinking was out of hand.
4. Can't we brush this problem aside?

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