
2012년 8월 1일 수요일

8/1 Bike

DIALOG>> I should listen to you.

A: Is this your new bicycle?
B: Yup, do you like it?
A: It looks nice. Did you  buy a helmet too?
B: A helmet? I don't like helmets. They are ugly and uncomfortable.
A: You may be right but it can save your life.
B: Well, maybe I should listen to you.

RESPONSE>> Talk about how to keep biking safe.

As people are becoming more conscious about their health, you see more and more people out on their bicycles.
ex> We are so conscious about our environment.
ex> More and more people in the world are becoming fans of K-Pop.

Riding a bike is great exercise.

However, there are things you should keep in mind when you bike.
* keep in mind: 기억하다, 명심하다
ex> My dad told me to keep that in mind.

The most important thing to remember is to wear a helmet.

If you wear helmets properly, it can reduce the risk of serious head injuries.

Second, you should follow all the traffic signs and signals.
ex> For your own sake, please follow the rules.

And never ride against the flow of traffic.
* against the flow: 흐름의 반대로, 흐름을 거슬러서
ex> Salmons swim against the stream.

Make sure you stay in the far right lane when you bike on the road.

Bicyclists had better always wear bright colored clothes or something that reflects light.

Don't assume a driver can see you just because you can see the driver.
ex> He yelled at me just because I was late.

@ I bought a helmet, a cycling jersey, shorts, gloves, the whole nine yards.  전부 다

1. She is very conscious about her appearance.
2. You must keep in mind that using a cellphone impairs your driving.
3. Following instructions is very important for your safety.
4. Don't turn on the air conditioner just because you're hot.

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