
2012년 8월 20일 월요일

8/17 Newspaper

DIALOG>> Can you save me the sports section?

A: What are you doing?
B: I’m cutting an article out of the newspaper.
A: What kind of article?
B: It’s an interview with my favorite author.
A: Hey, can you save me the sports section?
B: Sure.

RESPONSE>> Talk about the importance of reading the newspaper.

Reading the newspaper is beneficial for everyone, young and old.

Newspapers keep us in touch with current local and world affairs.
*  in touch with: 연락을 취하는, 알고 있는, = be in contact, up to date
Ex> I keep in touch with my sister who lives in Australia.

It keeps us informed and helps us feel connected with the world around us.
* keep someone informed: ~에게 정보를 제공하다
* feel connected with: ~와 연결되어 있다고 생각하다
Ex> Can you inform me when the meeting starts?
Ex> I’ll keep you informed about what happens.

Newspapers also provide useful listings, lifestyle features, and travel guides.
* listing: 광고 목록
Ex> I read a feature on school violence in the paper.

You can keep up with what interests you and affects you personally.
* keep up with: ~에 대해 알게 되다, ~을 따라가다
Ex> slow down! I can’t keep up with you.
Ex> She needs to keep up with the news.

There is also some scientific evidence that shows reading the newspaper regularly fends off dementia and Alzheimer’s in the elderly.
* fend off: 막다, 피하다, = prevent, defeat
Ex> She used the spray to fend off mosquitoes.
Ex> Using a security helps fend off burglars.

Now, most major publications have digital versions for readers who are on the go or glued to their smartphones.
* on the go: 움직이며, 돌아다니며, = on the move
* be glued to: ~에 딱 달라붙어 있다.

But nothing beats the feeling of starting your day with a good cup of coffee and the news hot off the press.
* nothing beats: 최고이다, 더 좋은 것은 없다.
* off the press: 인쇄가 끝나서, 출판되어
Ex> Nothing beats relaxing on the beach.
Ex> Nothing beats patbingsoo on a summer day.
Ex> nothing beats spending time with your loved ones.

@ That’s groundbreaking news그건 획기적인 뉴스야.

1. Can you get me in touch with your colleague?
2. Why didn’t you inform her of the change?
3. I don’t know how to use the feature on my phone.
4. Salt is used to fend off bad spirits.

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