
2012년 8월 23일 목요일

8/20 East Sea

DIALOG>> Isn't there a dispute over it?

A: Have you heard of Dokdo?
B: Yes, they're the Korean islands near Japan.
A: Isn't there a dispute over it?
B: Yes, both Korean and Japan claim it's theirs.
A: Well, have they reached a decision?
B: Not yet. But I think Japan's claim is preposterous.
* preposterous [prɪ|pɑ:stərəs]: 말도 안되는, 터무니 없는

RESPONSE>> Talk about the East Sea naming dispute.

Koreans call it the East Sea, or Dong-hea. In Japan, it is known as the Sea of Japan.
ex> She is known as a competitive person.

This name dispute still rolls on today.
* still roll on today: 오늘까지 이어지다
ex> The contract rolls on through the summer.

Both governments want international recognition in maps and charts.
* chart: 해도

Korea has campaigned for years that both names should be used concurrently.
* concurrently: 동시에, 병행되어

The IHO is a global body based in Monaco that presides over maritime and navigation issues.
* IHO (International Hydrographic Organization): 국제 수로 기구
* preside  over  [prɪ|zaɪd]: ~을 관장하다
ex> Our deputy director will presides over our meeting today.
ex> Her pastor presided over her wedding.

At their 18th meeting, they decided not to revise the global chart to include the East Sea name.
ex> Can you revise this report for me?

The IHO has referred to the waters as Sea of Japan since 1929, when its first edition of nautical charts was published.
* waters: 바다, 영해
* nautical chart [|nɔ:tɪkl: 해도집

However, a senior Korean official said the issue will be discussed further at the next meeting in 2017.
ex> I don't want to talk about his any further.

@ What's in a name?  이름이 뭐가 중요해?

1. She was known as a great writer.
2. He gained international recognition for his work.
3. He will be presiding over the trial today.
4. We need to talk about this further.

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