
2012년 8월 20일 월요일


DIALOG>> Did you do your mandatory military service?

A: Did you do your mandatory military service?
B: I sure did. I finished it a long time ago.
A: Which branch?
B: Well, I served as a KATUSA.
A: What is that? I've never heard that before.
B: Oh, I was a Korean soldier but worked in the US army.

RESPONSE>> Talk about the KATUSA program in Korea.

Most Korean men choose to serve in the army for their military obligation, while some choose to serve in the navy, air force or marines.
ex> My brother served in the Korean navy.

But you can also serve as a KATUSA soldier.

KATUSA stands for Korean Augmentation to  the United States Army.
* augmentation: 증가, 증대
* stand for: 나타내다
ex> What does that stand for?
ex> OPEC stands for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

The KATUSA soldier program was initiated by an informal agreement between President Rhee Syng-man and General Douglas MacArthur in 1950.
ex> This study was initiated by Seoul National University.

The purpose of this program was to augment US forces with the Korean soldiers during the Korean War.

This unique program is still maintained to this day.
ex> A certain temperature should be maintained.

Becoming a KATUSA requires standardized English tests scores and a little bit of luck.
ex> Our situation requires a drastic change.

Only those who meet the test requirements can apply to the program.
* meet the requirements: 요구 사항을 충족하다
ex> Those of you who missed the class can make it up tomorrow.

Then they are selected through a lottery process.
* a lottery process: 제비뽑기, 추첨

@ I'm in the reserve forces now.  난 지금 예비군 소속이야.

1. What does OECD stands for?
2. This project was initiated by Ban Ki-moon.
3. You are required to have a car insurance policy.
4. For those who didn't bring your laptops, raise your hand.

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