
2012년 8월 24일 금요일

8/23 24 seasonal Divisions

DIALOG>> This heat wave is really wearing me out.

A: This heat wave is really wearing me out.
B: Tell me about it. It’s hot even at night.
A: When does it start to cool down?
B: Pretty soon because today is Cheoseo.
A: What’s that supposed to mean?
B: Well, today marks the end of the summer.
* heat wave: 장기간의 혹서
* wear out: 지치게하다, 닳다
Ex> This meaningless argument is wearing me out.
Ex> All of your tires are worn out.

RESPONSE>> Talk about the 24 solar terms in Korea.

Did you know that today is Cheoseo?

Cheoseo literally translates to “the limit of heat” and it indicates the end of the hot summer.
Ex> This red light indicates the low battery.

After today, the summer heat fades away and the daily temperature gap widens.
* fade away: 사라지다, disappear gradually
* daily temperature gap: 일교차
Ex> Her anger faded away.
Ex> Coco Chanel once said, “Fashion fades away, only style remains the same.”

Cheoseo is just one of the 24 solar terms in the lunisolar calendar.
* the lunisolar calendar [lù:nəsóulər]: 태음 태양력

According to the position of the sun in the zodiac, all the days in a year are divided into 24 parts.
* zodiac: 황도대, 황도 십이궁
Ex> Korea is divided into two countries.

There are two solar terms in each month, which means there is one term about every 15 days.
Ex> I go swimming every other weekend.

These 24 divisions actually indicate the changes of seasons, climate and natural phenomena.

These are especially crucial for farmers because they are used to guide their agricultural activities.
* agricultural activity: 농업 활동
Ex> He's going to guide you throughout the class.

@ They are always right on the money그것은 항상 정확해.

1. A high unemployment indicates a sluggish economy.
2. Your sadness will fade away with time.
3. She goes to the class every other day.
4. Your laziness is really wearing me out.

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