
2013년 10월 23일 수요일

10/18 Social Commerce

Social commerce is the marketing strategies and model of online retailers.
* retailer: 소매

These companies grew quickly on the coattails of social media.
* on the coattails of: ~ 덕분에, ~의 도움으로 = on the back of
ex> She rode on the coattails of her famous brother.
ex> He was lucky to ride on his mother's coattails.

Today's mobile-savvy consumers ring up sales with their smartphone.
* -savvy: ~을 잘 아는, 지식이 풍부한
ex> I'm not very tech-savvy.
* ring something up: (상점에서 상품가격을) 입력하다; 팔다
ex> She rang up all the items on the till
ex> The company rang up sales of $166 million last year.
ex> I'll deduct coupons after I ring up your groceries.

Sites offer deals and opportunities that can't be beat.
* can't be beat: 이길 수 없다, 능가할 수 없다
ex> Our price can't be beat!

Small retailers used to gain an edge by using social commerce.
* gain an edge: 우위를 차지하다, 앞서 나가다
ex> These harmful words were used so that the other candidate could gain an edge in the polls.

But now, conglomerates want to cash in.
* cash in: 이득을 얻다, 돈을 벌다

But there's no sign of social shopping dying down anytime soon.
* no sign of: 조짐이 없는, 징조가 없는
ex> There's no sign of the weather getting warmer this week.
* die down: 차츰 잦아들다, 약해지다
ex> When the applause had died down, she began her speech.

@ Get with the times!  시대에 발을 좀 맞춰 봐!

1. He's always riding on the coattails of his father.
2. He's very design-savvy.
3. Our vacation deals can't be beat.
4. There's no sign of him at work.

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