
2011년 5월 6일 금요일

4/29 Talk about men's cosmetics Korean men are using more often.

Korean men are just as caught up with good skincare as women.
* be caught up with: ~에 열중하다.

Koreans, in particular, place heavy weight on good skin.
* place heavy weight on: ~에 많은 의미를 부여하다.
ex> My sister places heavy weight on looks when dating men.

Skin product companies that used to only target women are rolling out men's lines as well.
* roll out: 대거로 출시하다.
ex> The company will be rolling out their new smartphone models next month.

Men are willing to take the extra time to invest in healthy, supple skin.
* supple skin: 탄력 있는 피부
ex> Take the extra time to floss your teeth every night to prevent cavities.
* floss: 치간 청소실로 청소하다

There's also a heavily tinted sunscreen product called BB Cream.
* heavily tinted: 색조가 강하게 들어간
ex> My car windows are heavily tinted, so you can't see in from the outside.

It hides facial flaws while maintaining a very natural no-makeup look.
* facial flaw: 얼굴의 잡티
* no makeup look: 화장을 하지 않은 모습
ex> There are various laser treatments that can get rid of your facial flaws.

@ Let's hammer out the details regarding ticket prices. 세부 사항들을 확정하자.

1. He places heavy weight on his appearance.
2. Our company rolls out a new product every month.
3. She takes the extra time to put on makeup when she has a date.
4. This concealer is very effective in hiding facial flaws.

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