
2011년 5월 3일 화요일

4/27 Talk about wikileaks.

Wikileaks is an international non-profit organization that "leaks" classified information to the public.
* classified information: 기밀 정보
ex> Because this is classified information, I cannot reveal it to you.

The foundation that it's based on is the right of freedom of speech.
* be based on: ~을 기반으로 하다.
ex> The foundation of Christianity can be learned through the Bible.

The founders of Wikileaks are a mix of Chinese dissidents, journalists, mathematicians, and technologists from all over the world.
* dissident: 반체제 인사
* mathematician: 수학자

The impact Wikileaks has made is monumental.
* monumental: 기념비적인, 획기적인
ex> The discovery of the cure for cancer will no doubt be monumental.

Top secret information has been fed to the mass public.
* mass public: 대중
ex> My boss is so used to compliments always being fed to him
ex> It takes some time for the mass public to pick up on a trend.

Critics claim that the site could jeopardize national security and compromise international diplomacy.
* jeopardize: 위태롭게 하다.
* compromise: 타협하다, 망치다, 질적 저하를 유발하다.
ex> Lies will jeopardize the trust in any relationship.

@ Stop getting in my way.  방해 좀 그만해.

1. Not everyone has access to classified information.
2. The governmen restricted freedom of speech in the 1980s.
3. Everything was planned on a monumental scale.
4. That scandal jeopardize her career.

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