
2011년 5월 11일 수요일

5/7 How do Koreans typically invest their money?

Koreans engage in various means of investment.

The riskier the investment, the higher the potential returns are.
* potential return: 잠재 수익
ex> Focusing too much on the potential returns could negatively affect your ability to manage your finances.

It's best to diversify your portfolio rather than putting all your eggs in one basket.
* diversify: 다양화하다.
ex> Putting all your eggs in one basket could lead you to ruins.

Even if the stock price of a company drops substantially, your entire finances won't take too big of a hit.
* take a big of a hit: 큰 타격을 입다.
* substantially: to a great or significant extent; profits grew substantially

Some people prefer to trade stocks themselves while others invest in stock funds.
* stock fund: 주식형 펀드
ex> Timing is very important when you trade stocks and invest in stock funds.

You can creat a savings account to build up interest on your funds.
* savings account: 저축계좌
* build up (experience, career, ...): 쌓아가다
ex> He sets aside 10 percent of his monthly salary in a savings account.

Another type of investment that's popular is investing in property.
* property: 부동산

Real estate prices tend to go up over time.
* over time: 시간이 지남에 따라, gradually
ex> Antiques are simply old objects with value that goes up over time.

@ They all fall under one category.  다 같은 범주에 속해.
Do you like oranges or tangerines?  오렌지가 좋아, 귤이 좋아?

1. Experts forecast that potential returns on the fund will be substantial.
2. I'm always told to diversify my portfolio.
3. Trading stocks oneself can be a risky form of investment.
4. He has built up interest on what he inherited from his parents.

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