
2011년 5월 22일 일요일

5/18 Talk about the upcoming IAAF World Championships in Daegu.

Daegu was chosen as the hosting city for the 2011 IAAF World Championships.
* hosting city: 개최 도시
* IAAF World Championships: 세계육상선수권대회 (International Association of Athletics Federation)
ex> Who won the bid to become the hosting city for the next Olympics?

This year, the event will kick off on August 27th and run until September 4th.
* kick off: 시작하다.
ex> Let's kick off the event at exactly 7 o'clock on the dot.
* run: continue on..  진행이 된다.
ex> This exhibition will run until the end of next month.

Daegu is only the third Asian city to host the Championships.

Daegu has vowed to do its best to make this event a success.
* vow: 약속하다, 공언하다.

A task force was created to make the necessary preparations.
* task force: 전담팀
* make preparations: 준비를 하다.
ex> You can hire a wedding planner to make all the preparations for your special day.

Appropriate accommodations are being thoroughly prepared for all the foreign athletes and visitors.
* accommodation: 숙박시설, lodging

The event is expected to give the city an economic boost as well as for the country as a whole.
* give an economic boost: 경제적 상승 효과를 가져오다.
ex> Large scale sporting events tend to give an economic boost for the hosting nation.

@ I'm bubbling over with excitement.  흥분을 참을 수가 없어.

1. My hometown was chosen as the next hosting city for the games.
2. A three-day celebration will kick off tomorrow.
3. My company created a task force for exports to India.
4. The recent drop in oil price is expected to give an economic boost.

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