
2011년 5월 14일 토요일

5/10 Talk about the Korean Marine Corps.

The Korean Marine Corps is a distinct arm of the South Korean forces.
* Marine Corps [ko:r]: 해병대
* distinct: 탁월한, 돋보이는
ex> The navy has developed to be a distinct arm of the nation's defense system.

Being a marine is very physically demanding.
ex> This type of work is not mentally difficult, but physically demanding.

Some of the toughest and bravest men in the country serve in the Marine Corps.
ex> I heard your brother will serve in the Marine Corps soon.

Not everyone can handle the Marine Corps' grueling training regimen.
* grueling training: 혹독한 훈련

The Marine Corps's responsibilities consist of amphibious operations among others.
* amphibious operation: 수륙 양동 작전
ex> We need equipment specific for amphibious operations that can work on both land and sea.
cf> amphibian: 양서류

When North Korea fired at Yeon-pyeong Island recently, the marines were the first to respond.
ex> The firefighters were the first to respond when the siren went off.

Recently, the marines got some extra spotlight from the media when megastar Hyun Bin decided to do his military duty as a marine.
* get extra spotlight: 추가적인 주목을 받다.
* do one's military duty: 군 복무를 하다.

@ You can only do so much.  할 수 있는 것에 한계가 있어.

1. It was physically demanding, but very rewarding.
2. He served in the Korean Marine Corps for 2 years.
3. The Marines conducted an amphibious operation to support the ground forces.
4. The army is the first to respond when there is a provocation.

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